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Sell your newsletter as an exit strategy!  We partner with you to gear the newsletter for optimized earnings and help grow it to add value.  


You list your newsletter with us and we promote it to our buying audience.


You write.  We promote.  We help you grow the newsletter, monetize it with advertising, sponsorships, ecommerce, social media, a website, etc., to gear it for acquisition!


This is what you get when we partner together:


  • An improved newsletter designed, developed and branded (unless your newsletter is perfect already!)

  • A website, which includes... 

    • Homepage

    • A free domain name

    • Subscription sign-up

    • Back-end database

    • Ad/sponsor rates

    • Sales inquiry form

    • Blog

    • Contact page

    • OPTION for About, Ecommerce, Sponsors, and much more (full sites, etc.)

    • SEO

  • A logo

  • Tutorial on the newsletter

  • Management of the marketers promoting it

  • Social media pages

  • Management of your social media page(s) 

  • Audience growth on ALL channels! 

  • Writing of secondary content/extra articles for your weekly newsletter

  • One year of hosting (initially)

  • An Owner app for back-end management 

  • Resending ability to people that didn't open the newsletter

  • A premium option for ecommerce newsletters via Wix 

  • And more!


You get ALL of the above when you partner with us!  Partnering is 50/50.  You get 50% of all subscription revenue (if it is a paid newsletter).  You get 50% of all the ad and sponsor revenue for your newsletter.  You get 50% of the earnings from the sale of the newsletter.  Basically, we are partners.  You write, we do the growth.  Our goal is to make your newsletter the highest revenue generating it can be and gear it for maximum acquisition value.

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